Lobby & Web Design
January 1, 2018

Chad's Ripped Zone

Chad's Ripped Zone is a boutique weightlifting studio at the heart of San Francisco's Mission district. They specialize in complete-body exercises, like squats and overhead presses, to achieve sick muscle gainz. We collaborated with CRZ to create a mind-numbing visual experience in their main lobby, as well as a website which lets potential clients schedule workout sessions with Chad.

Chad, owner of Chad's Ripped Zone, shirtless, with two five-pound dumbbells in the foreground.

Chad’s Ripped Zone gets a new website

The old website was made in FrontPage, and felt, as the ownership put it “not dope enough.” The new website we built fits Chad’s three core philosophies: (1) be courageous, (2) avoid carbs, and (3) always pack swag.

A new look for a new time

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Curabitur dapibus, tellus sed mollis tristique, ex augue porta arcu, ut bibendum massa neque at tellus. Pellentesque imperdiet tempor odio, sed viverra sapien ultrices vitae. Nam blandit, nibh eu commodo euismod, nisi massa blandit lorem, a ornare leo sem nec leo.

A lobby experience like no other

Praesent sagittis ligula ligula, sollicitudin consequat diam sagittis nec. Suspendisse sed libero quis nibh sollicitudin blandit vitae et leo. Sed placerat pellentesque elit, nec ornare risus porttitor sed.